The abstract must be presented in A4 format, Software Microsoft Word - .doc or .docx (version 7 or later).
• Title - Arial 12 bold.
• Abstract (maximum 600 words), including bibliography and a maximum of 06 illustrations, font Arial 10, standard, single spaced.
• key words (maximum 3).
The abstract should besent by email (with the file attached and in the body of theemail) to until May 30th, 2013. Full papers mustbe submitted with the file attached to the email until August 10th, 2013 to
All communicationshouldbe done preferably by email.
The final selectionof the works, as oral communicationwithfull publication or publication of the extended summary, will be disclosed until September 10th, 2013.
Papers must be presented in A4 format, MSWord Program (version 7 or later). All margins shall be 2cm; justified paragraph, otherwise indicated as centralized in the opening pages.
The file can not exceed 3Mb.
The first page (identification) must include:
• Title - Arial 12 bold, centered.
• name (s) of author (s) - Arial 11 normal, centered.
• institutional affiliation and graduation - Arial 10 normal, centered.
• mailing address, including telephone, fax and e-mail - Arial 10, centered.
The second page with the abstract, as approved, must include:
• Title - Arial 12 bold.
• Abstract - font Arial 10, standard, single spaced.
• key words (maximum 3).
The third page and subsequent pages, corresponding to the full text, with a maximum of 6,000 (six thousand) words, including notes and bibliography, shall be numbered, according to the following format:
• Title - Arial 14 bold, sub-titles - Arial 12 bold and the complete text - Arial 11, 1.5 spaced and 6 pts after paragraphs, without spaces on the first line.
• The illustrations must be in JPG format and inserted in the text near the passage to which they refer. To avoid overloading the file, figures, pictures and any graphic file must be inserted in the text in resolution 96 dpi, maximum 3Mb.
• The numbering corresponding to each figure will follow by the caption Arial 10 standard which must appear just below them, centered. Separating the text, tables and figures must have one line distance before and after.
• Notes at the end of the article as formatted by the Chicago Manual of Style, Arial 8 standard, justified paragraph. Quotes over 3 lines in italics, Arial 11 and left indent of 1cm.
• Bibliography as formatted by the Chicago Manual of Style at the end of the article in alphabetical order, with single space in between.
Examples of footnotes:
• Cláudia Loureiro Luiz Amorim, “Por uma arquitetura social: a influência de Richard Neutra em prédios escolares no Brasil,” Vitruvius, 2002. (Maio 07, 2005)
• Joseph Rykwert, “Gêneros das colunas gregas: Origens míticas e históricas,” Desígnio, Setembro 2004, 55-66.
Examples of references:
• Rezende, Vera. “Planos e regulação urbanística: a dimensão normativa das intervenções na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.” In Oliveira, Lúcia Lippi (Org.). Cidade: História e desafios, org. Lúcia Lippi, 256-281. Rio de Janeiro: Editora FGV, 2002.
• Bastos, Maria Alice Junqueira. Pós-Brasília: Rumos da arquitetura brasileira. São Paulo: Perspectiva/Fapesp, 2003.
Except on the first page, there must have no identification of the author(s).